What the...

Saturday, May 06, 2006


Birthdays are great!! I think that we should get the opportunity to celebrate them all of the time. I just found out from my friends that I am suppose to post my birthday wish list on my blog. How do you decide?? I can never decide what I want for my birthday. Not only that but I feel silly asking for things. Anybody that knows me knows that I am a giver. I find it hard to ask even for things that belong to me. Not only that but half odd the time I get so anxious for things that I want that I go and buy them before other people can get them for me. So what do I really want?? Well I could wish for world peace but we all know that that is getting me no where. So here it goes:
A book on New Orleans, I love the pictures of the city
Anything for the kitchen, surprise surprise!!
Games, because I love them!
Movies that make you think and laugh, I'm not particular.
I hope that helps all of you. I don't want for much but there are few choices.
Much love Gods and Goddesses


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